Virtual Benefits Fair

Introduce Employee Benefits of Your Company With Virtual Benefits Fair

Organize a virtual benefits fair to familiarize your employees with the numerous company benefits. Gather remote employees and their families online to easily accessible and most interactive benefits fair platform.

Why Host a Virtual Benefits Fair?

A virtual benefits fair is accessible online to a global employee base. You can communicate employee benefits through live webinars, presentations, personalized booths, and live Q/A sessions. The platform is user-friendly and navigatable for employees or their families. Plus, the entire event experience is tailored to your company culture with customized lobbies, halls, webinar rooms, booths, and auditoriums. You can share informative materials, content, and resource for the global workforce to save for later use. 

In short, the virtual platform allows companies to offer virtual office tours or educate employees on the working hours, incentives, healthcare, insurance, company culture, and other employee benefits programs. Use our feature-rich platform to create a memorable attendee experience for your global employee base.

virtual benefits fair platform

Make the Virtual Benefits Fair Exciting and Accessible for All

Join Virtual Days to host 24/7 accessible benefits fair

Personalized Virtual Venues

Immerse Employees in Personalized Virtual Venues

Create an immersive event experience for the audiences by custom-designing the virtual venue, reception, lobbies, exhibitor booths, webinar rooms and exhibition halls. You can present the company culture using graphics, visuals and 3D animations such as; displaying company logos, themes, colours, brand name and animated avatars.

Educate Employees Through Live Webinars

Use live, semi-live, or on-demand webinars to educate employees on the annual benefits programs. You can engage remote employees with event organizers using meeting scheduler options or on-demand speaker sessions. Also, multiple ready-made templates are available for customizing the webinar rooms.

Host live or on-demand keynote speaker sessions

Set up informative live or semi-live webinars

Display your company culture through branded webinars

Live Polls and QA Sessions

Engage Employees in Live Polls and Q/A Sessions

Create engaging benefits fair for the on-site and remote employees. You can create live polling sessions, Q/As, and quizzes. Allow attendees to participate in the event programs by sharing their views, comments and ideas. All the employee concerns and reservations are attended to at the live event.

Share Downloadable Materials and Resources

Allow employees to download informative materials such as company policies, brochures, videos and other resources. Offer a virtual swag bag for the employees to save important materials and resources to access anytime and download for later use. The video vault has all the content stored for the employees to educate themselves on the relevant topics.

Share Downloadable Materials

Gather Remote Employees at Virtual Benefits Fair Platform

Gather Remote Employees
Features of Virtual Benefits Fair

Custom Features of Virtual Benefits Fair

A virtual platform extends its top features for organizations to display their company culture and benefits programs.

Benefits of Hosting a Virtual Benefits Fair

A virtual platform replicates the in-person benefits fair experience for the employees and offers tons of other benefits, such as:

Virtual Benefits Fair platform