Virtual Alumni Networking

Build Professional Connections through Virtual Alumni Events

Host a virtual alumni networking event to connect global alumni with prospective students to encourage networking and communications regarding career opportunities.

Why Virtual Alumni Networking?

A virtual alumni networking fair allows you to bring alumni and students together in an interactive 3D virtual environment to network and engage in real-time. Here, you can either live stream webinars or post pre-recorded webinar sessions to educate students on career opportunities. Also, the event’s reporting and real-time analytics help gauge your networking fair’s success. So use our feature-rich virtual networking platform to facilitate professional connections among like-minded individuals.

The virtual environment is easy to navigate and is user-friendly for global alumni to easily build long-term connections with professionals from around the world.

virtual alumni networking platform

Let Alumni Mentor International Students at the Alumni Networking Platform

Gather remote influential alumni online to guide and mentor students on the best career options 

immerse alumni virtually

Immerse Alumni in Virtual Environment

Create 3D animated virtual walkthroughs for alumni to seamlessly interact in a virtual environment that truly replicates your educational institute. You can customize the virtual space with 3D animated avatars, realistic graphics, and real-life animations.

Engage Alumni in Live Chat

Let alumni engage with students in live one-on-one or group chats, be it text, audio or video. A meeting scheduler option is also available for the students to request meetings with prominent alumni. Also, social media channel integration maximizes the influence of your online networking events.

Create custom-chat rooms to discuss particular topics

Gamify your event with trivia or leaderboard

Let attendees use match-making tools to connect

option for informative webinars

Host Informative Webinars Sessions

Keep university alumni and students engaged by setting up live or recorded webinar sessions on valuable topics. For example, you can address student issues, programs, and career opportunities within the webinar sessions. Also, you can spice up the sessions with live Q&As to engage attendees better.

Use Attendee Match-making Features

Virtual Days offers attendee match-making tools for the students and alumni to directly engage with each other. Your attendees can connect with each other using the profile search option with educational background, experience, and industry. Individuals who share interests and come from similar backgrounds easily network through profile search options.

attendee match-making

Establish an Online Community for Fresh Graduates and Alumni

establish online community

Virtual Alumni Networking Platform Features

Use exclusive features of our virtual events platform and win at your alumni networking 

Benefits of Hosting Virtual Alumni Networking Fair

Avail maximum advantages of a virtual networking platform.

benefits of virtual alumni networking