How to Promote a Virtual Event?

The first most important thing to do when you are talking about promoting an online event is to establish a virtual footprint of the brand itself.
how to promote a virtual event

Planning and executing a virtual event or virtual conference is a feat in itself but all your hard work would go down the drain if it is not promoted properly. As virtual events are held online, their promotion should be online as well. Promoting your event online would help you reach more people, would cost less and would be a lot more hassle-free. The easiest way to achieve this is with the help of a virtual event platform. So, the following are a few tips on how to promote a virtual event.

1. Virtual Branding

The first and most important thing to do when you are talking about promoting an online event is to establish a virtual footprint of the brand itself. This reflects the ideals of the company and therefore, is very essential. The brand or the event should have a theme and color schemes that attract the target audiences while maintaining its integrity as a brand. This is needed so that the audience can form an emotional bond with your brand and will then attend the event. The overall tone and energy of the event would shine through the efforts made on virtual branding. These would be displayed on your website, emailed to your correspondents, and posted through social media websites.

2. Perfect Marketing Strategy

Once you have established a virtual footprint of your brand, you should know what your goals are with regard to the event. Your main concern at this point should be on pleasing and attracting your audience. Having a particular style for your brand helps you with that and will help you to achieve the goal of promoting your virtual event.

3. Set Up a Website

The most important exposure that you can give your brand is setting up a website for it. Through your website, you can inform your audience about your brand, and all upcoming events and help answer any questions that they might have. An attractive website means more traffic, it means more people will be aware of your events and subscribe to get emails for all upcoming events. Not only should your website contain information about your brand, but it should also display all upcoming events in a way that catches the attention of everyone that visits your website.

The thing to keep in mind is the content that should be included in your websites. Your website should include the name of the event, the dates, and other necessary information for anyone interested in the event. The agenda of the event should be in a very prominent place making it prominent and easily accessible. Through this webpage, your audience should know exactly what they can expect from your event and how they will benefit from being a part of it. Furthermore, the pricing or lack thereof should be mentioned very clearly on your page alongside all the other information. Including all these things will be very helpful for anyone seeking information on your online event and the ease will help attract more people towards your events.

4. Set up Social Media Accounts

Another important step to verify as many people as possible about your event is to post it on Social Media. This is the age of technology and everyone uses one or the other social media site. The best way to promote a virtual event is to establish a social media presence. Once you have accomplished that, you can post about all your upcoming events on the platform and whoever follows you will be alerted of your plans. Use modern technology to your advantage, start a hashtag and get it trending so that it reaches a maximum amount of people.

5. Make a Vlog

What is the one thing that everyone loves watching? Videos! Make a vlog about your upcoming virtual event, highlighting all the key points and benefits of it. The Vlog would be a compilation of all the things that make your event unique and innovative. Once an amazing video has been made, post it everywhere. The more exposure, the better. Post it on your website, post it on social media platforms and send it through emails to your clientele. The best way of getting your message out to people is by putting it into a video because if people might not want to read what you’ve written, they’ll watch what you film.

6. Create an Email Chain

Another wonder of modern technology is the use of electronic mail or email. Set up a chain of communication between your existing clients and potential clients. In this way, you can ensure that all these people are made well aware of any and all upcoming events. You can use emails to set up constant communication so that if anyone has any questions, you can engage with them. Moreover, you can send them emails updating them about events and specific “save the date” emails to ensure that they are aware of the date and timings of your events.

7. Buy Ad Spaces

Another great way to ensure the most exposure for your event is by buying up ad spaces on Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn, etc. This will put your event at the forefront of every major, business-related search engine. Keep a constant stream of information and promotional data flowing so that your event is at the forefront of the audience’s minds. Advertisements are important because they bring in traffic by attracting customers and ultimately, making the company money. Paid advertisements take it one step further and put your content at the very front of the search. That drives more traffic to your website and ultimately, to your event.


Once you have applied all these little tips on how to promote a virtual event, nothing can stop you from having an immensely successful event. However, just because the event has ended does not mean it cannot be used anymore. Use each event as a stepping stone for showing everyone, especially your competition, how successful you have been. Use quotes from the event and put them on your website, you should then send emails to the attendees to thank them or have them fill out surveys to get feedback. Keep the buzz going, it will make promoting your next online event easier. Platforms like Virtual Days can do all of this for you, let’s work together to make the best virtual event platform possible.

            Author | Zoha Junaid



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The first most important thing to do when you are talking about promoting an online event is to establish a virtual footprint of the brand itself.
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